Cookies Policy

Curtispay makes use of cookies and similar technologies throughout our websites to ensure your visit to our website goes smoothly.

Functional cookies These cookies may store your browser name, the type of computer and technical information about your means of connection to this website, such as the operating system and the Internet Service Providers utilized and other similar information. This information is used to technically facilitate the navigation and use of this website. In addition, functional cookies may be used to store personal settings, such as language, or to remember your information for next visits if so requested.
Analytics cookies This website also uses analytics cookies placed by Google Analytics (including Google Tag Manager) to measure the number of visits and the parts of the website that are the most popular among our website visitors as well as for benchmarking purposes. This information is used to provide aggregated and statistical information on the use of this website and is used to improve the contents of this website to enhance your user experience. This means that we have instructed Google to remove the last three digits of your IP-address (“Anonymize IP”) and we have disabled the standard setting to share data with Google. Furthermore, Curtispay has concluded a data processing agreement with Google Inc. and Curtispay does not use other Google services in combination with the Google Analytics-cookies.
Third-party/social media cookies This website contains cookies from third-party websites, mainly social media cookies. When placed on your computer, they automatically activate handy extras, for example, a Facebook ‘like’ button or a Twitter messaging option. These cookies inform our website whether you are logged into such social media and they also enable you to share parts of this website on social media. When visiting this website, Curtispay will ask for your consent to use these cookies.
Do you object to cookies?
Cookies generally process your IP-address but they do not save your personal information like e-mail address or phone number. If you do not want to have cookies stored on your computer or want to remove cookies that have already been stored, you can arrange this via your browser settings.
we will also notify that party.
Right to object to processing
You can object to Curtispay using your personal data for its own legitimate interests. There is a list of contact details at the end of this Privacy Statement. We will consider your objection and whether processing your information has any undue impact on you that requires us to stop doing so.
You can also object to receiving personalised commercial messages from us. You cannot object to us processing your personal data if we are legally required to do so, even if you have opted out of receiving personalised commercial messages.
Right to object to automated decisions
We sometimes use systems to make automated decisions based on your personal information if this is necessary to fulfil a contract with you, or if you gave us consent to do so. You have the right to object to such automated decisions (for example requiring a new passport copy if the one we have on file for you as representative of your company is no longer valid) and ask for an actual person to make the decision instead.
Right to restrict processing
You have the right to ask us to restrict using your personal data if:
-you believe the information is inaccurate;
-we are processing the data unlawfully;
-Curtispay no longer needs the data, but you want us to keep it for use in a legal claim; and/or
-you have objected to us processing your data for our own legitimate interests.
Right to complain
Should you for any reason be unhappy with the way Allied Wallet treats your personal data, you can file a complaint with Allied Wallet’s Compliance Officer via, You can also contact the data protection authority in your country.
Exercising your rights – How you can exercise your rights depends on the type of personal data Allied Wallet processes. It could be through our website, by fulfilling our KYC obligations or by processing a transaction. We aim to respond to your request as quickly as possible.
In certain cases, we may deny your request. If it’s legally permitted, we will let you know within a reasonable timeframe why we denied it.
If you want to exercise your rights or submit a complaint, please contact us via the e-mail address provided below.